Paul Matthews

I'm Paul the father of the bravest person I'll ever know in my life time. Eli was my true "HERO" in life, and as long as I walk the face of this earth I will fight in Eli's memory for a cure for childhood Leukemia.

Most commented posts

  1. Hot Wheels From Heaven — 30 comments
  3. Meghan Guerrera Goes BALD to carry out Eli’s wishes to find a cure for childhood cancer!!!! — 8 comments
  4. Happy 12th Birthday Eli — 5 comments
  5. Bill Hammond’s Martial Arts helps KICK Cancer’s Butt — 4 comments

Author's posts

8th Annual Eli’s 5K Run

The 8th annual Eli’s 5k Run will be held on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 at Oxford Area High School’s cross country course, rain or shine! The 1 Mile Fun Run will begin at 9:00am and the 5k Run/Walk will begin at 9:30am Participation Fee: Fun Run-$10; 5k Run/Walk-$20; Teams (5k only)-$90 (5 people maximum) You …

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We are sending 40 HOT WHEELS to one children’s hospital in every state. We will send to all 50 Sates. If you wish to adopt a hospital with Mini C-Arm service it’s simple just make a post under this event the state you wish to send HOT WHEELS to then mail a check for $40.00 …

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Hot Wheels From Heaven

We will touch the world #HotWheelsFromHeaven interactive. For many of you that have followed Eli’s story and my post you are aware that years ago while I was visiting Eli’s gravesite all of his Hot Wheels were stolen. In that moment I was so upset with tears running down my face and pure ANGER wishing …

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Woman wanted in charity donation box theft turns herself in

Landhope Farms Theft Update: SUSPECT IN CUSTODY At approximately 7:00 PM on Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 the suspect in the theft of the charity box from Landhope Farms turned herself in at the Cecil County Sheriff’s Office in Elkton. Patricia Desirea Alexander, 26 of Red Lion, PA was taken into custody and charged for the …

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7th Annual Eli’s 5k Run May 6, 2017

The 7th Annual Eli’s Run will be on Saturday May 6th, 2017at the OAHS Cross Country Course rain or shine! The 1 Mile Fun Run will begin at 9:00am, and the 5k Run/Walk will start at 9:30am. Participation Fee: Fun Run-$10; 5k Run/Walk-$20: Teams (5K only)-$90 (5 people maximum) You must register by April 22nd …

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6th Annual Flapjack Fundraiser

If you would like to join us for the 6th Annual Flapjack Fundraiser just send $7.00 per ticket to Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation PO BOX# 33 Oxford, PA 19363 and write in the memo block how many tickets you would like. You can also go to and click the donate button just type …

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Eli Seth Matthews Dodgeball For a Cure 2017

Please join us for The Eli Seth Matthews Dodgeball Tournament on Thursday, February 23rd at 6:00pm at Oxford Area High School as we “Dodge” for a Cure! Team sign ups are February 6-9th in Ms. Webber’s room after school (from 2:35 to 3:00). The cost to play is $5 per player, 8 people per team …

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Mayor Geoffrey L. Henry Proclaims March 1st To Be ‘Eli Matthews Day’

I’M ASKING YOU TO WEAR RED & BLACK ON MARCH 1ST ELI MATTHEWS DAY. THANK YOU ELI’S DAD. PLEASE READ. Family and Friends, On January 20, 2011 was the darkest time in our family’s life. We had just lost our Eli and had an unspeakable pain in our hearts. One day the Mayor of Oxford, …

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Eli’s Celebration May 13, 2017

“Eli’s Celebration” and “Brave Eli’s Ride for a CURE Against Childhood Leukemia” Carrying out Eli’s wishes to find a Cure May 13, 2017 We will start the festivities with “Brave Eli’s Ride For A Cure Against Childhood Leukemia”. Motorcycles were another passion of Eli’s, he loved to get on the Harley with me and ride! …

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6th Annual Eli Seth Matthews Roar for a Cure Motorcycle & Car Show

Eli loved Motorcycles “Harleys” the most. That’s my Boy!!!! Are you ready for the 6th Annual Eli Seth Matthews Roar for a Cure Motorcycle and Car Show? Carrying out Eli’s wishes to find a Cure for Childhood Cancer. DATE: SATURDAY June 3, 2017 TIME: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM FOOD, DOOR PRIZES AND FUN DJ …

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