Paul Matthews

I'm Paul the father of the bravest person I'll ever know in my life time. Eli was my true "HERO" in life, and as long as I walk the face of this earth I will fight in Eli's memory for a cure for childhood Leukemia.

Most commented posts

  1. Hot Wheels From Heaven — 30 comments
  3. Meghan Guerrera Goes BALD to carry out Eli’s wishes to find a cure for childhood cancer!!!! — 8 comments
  4. Happy 12th Birthday Eli — 5 comments
  5. Bill Hammond’s Martial Arts helps KICK Cancer’s Butt — 4 comments

Author's posts


Time Saturday, September 10 · 12:00pm – 4:00pm Location Oxford Auto & Tire 124 Barnsley Road Created By Troy Miller More Info Please help Oxford Auto & Tire in the fight against Childhood Cancer, in memory of Eli Seth Matthews. His BIG brother Austin will be in charge of the Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Burgers & …

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Help us Fight Childhood Cancer (

Liz Scott from the Alex’s Foundation was friends with Eli, and has dedicated a page on her foundation’s web site for our Angel Eli.  Now if you can’t make it to a Lemonade event for whatever reason, you can click on this link , or go to Under organizations, just click on Eli …

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Lemonade all proceeds to benifit Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation

  July 31, 2011 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM @ 5 welcome Ave. West Grove PA 19390 Nicole Hammond is holding this event in memory of our Angel Eli.  Go to to keep up with how you can help fight Childhood cancer.  

Eli’s Memorial Patch

Eli's memorial patch

If you would like to donate $10.00 for one of Eli’s memorial patches please send a check made out to (ESMLF) Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation.  Send it to Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation P.O. Box# 33 Oxford, PA 19363 with a self addressed stamped envolope.

Eli Seth Matthews Scholarship Fund

We have decided to establish the Eli Seth Matthews Scholarship Fund at the Oxford Area High School.   At the end of the school year starting in 2012 we will present a student with a Scholarship in our Eli’s memory, and honor.   (A student going into the medical field).   So as the school system help’s the …

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Boy’s having fun with Silly String

Silly String WOW! Eli sure was spraying that Silly String on Austin.  This was a day before Eli’s 10th Birthday having fun with BIG brother Austin.

Eli and Alex’s Lemonade Stand – June 11, 2011

Austin has taken over his brothers lemonade stand to continue to raise money for the Alex’s foundation.    Eli bELIeved in a cure for Childhood Leukemia.   Come on out to our house (front yard) on June 11th from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm and have a cup of  lemonade in Eli’s memory.

Bill Hammond’s Martial Art’s Studio

Way to go Bill Hammond’s Martial Art’s Studio of West Grove, PA.  All of the wonderful Karate Kid’s Kicked some Leukemia’s butt.  The Kick-A-Thon was the week of May 2nd.    On Saturday during the Eli Seth Matthews Celebration of Life Benefit Bill, and Trish came forward and donated over $5,000.00 to the Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia …

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